
Begin Turn off your phone!

"Turn off your phone and turn it on time with the family." That's the message to parents that technological literacy in the midst of concern due to their busy with gadgets that always accompany them. Sometimes parents unknowingly neglect their children due to busy playing with mobile phones (mobile phones) while pro-SMS, go to Twitter, Internet surfing and chatting on the phone.
Now for the sake of development of children, parents are urged to allocate time to be free from technologists each day, along with the rise of smartphones, which took the family on Tuesday (10 / 5)
Send SMS, pushing the swing, talking on the phone when the streets with children or opened up in the park when a parent is a form of interference with family.
Safety experts have warned the lack of attention parents can put their children in danger. Child psychologist, Sally-Anne McCormack said the impact of technology on the family. "Sometimes parents need to unplug and reattach themselves more to the family. Set aside quality time," he said.
"Some parents may think because they are in the playground, they spend quality time with their children. But if they play games on their phone or do some work, they are not actually there," he said.
Kathy Walker parenting expert, said parents do not have to always respond to SMS or phone call as soon as possible. "Parents are not always aware of it, but they are assigned to work and bersosial 24 / 7 (24 hours in 7 days)," he said.
"We've become more and more away from our children ... The tools such as the iPhone and laptops allow parents to spend more time with them," he said.

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