
Stay away from Stress Disorders To Avoid Mouth Odor ..

Did you know one of the causes canker sores, herpes in the mouth, bruxism (teeth grinding), and gum disease, not only because of lack of vitamins, but probably because you are under stress? Research shows that those who are feeling depressed to produce the hormone cortisol in large numbers.

These hormones can cause damage to the gums and body. Stress also can encourage people to not take care of your teeth properly. At least more than 50 percent of people do not brush your teeth regularly when they experience stress.

Here's how that can be done to prevent oral disease and tooth when the stress started to hit:

1. Do not eat spicy foods, heat, or foods that contain high levels of acidity.

2. You can make the mind relax with a soothing action. For example, listen to your favorite playlists on the iPod, a warm bath or relaxing in the spa. This can help inhibit the production of the hormone cortisol.

3. When the symptoms of bruxism is getting worse, it could happen temporomandibular joint disorders in the joints that is functioning in the mandible. Everytime we open the mouth will appear sound "click" and prolonged dizziness. If it's like this, we must see her dentist.

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