
Great Rewards For Informant Killer M-Bone ..

The people closest to include family M-bone did not necessarily resigned as police continue to investigate the murder of hip-hop group personnel Cali Swag District (CSD) that. The family went to the City Council of Inglewood, Los Angeles, United States, to lobby and said it would provide great benefits to anyone who provides information related to the death of M-bone.

As proclaimed NBC Los Angeles, the mother pleaded M-bone. "I really ask for help if someone can help solve the murder of my son. The payoff is not just money," he explained on Thursday (19 / 5).

Sergeant Brian Spencer the Inglewood Police Department to explain the details pascapembunuhan M-bone. According to Spencer, the rapper was shot in the head while he was in the chair to the left in a black car. Currently, motof killer still under investigation.

While fellow M-bone in the CSD, C-Smoove clarify slant the news spread. "I want to explain something. The death of our friend had nothing to do with war or gang violence," he said in a video uploaded by TMZ [read: Death M-Bone Starting from Twitter?].

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