
Bluetooth Handsfree Driving Solution Not Safe


Bluetooth Handsfree Driving Solution Not AmanJakarta - Police and vendors voiced drive safely through the handsfree bluetooth. On the other hand, analysts argue, the use of the device may still be dangerous.

Although still could endanger the wearer, does not mean handsfree useless.

According to IT analysts Abhimanyu Wachjoewidajat, although the police and the vendors have to socialize the use of handsfree bluetooth, the public should be more intelligent and wise to consider this well.

Namely, do not receive or make phone calls while driving. "It was the best and safest choice. "

The main requirement is driving people, survived until the goal, "Non received a phone call. "

If necessary, the side that contact can convey via SMS or Twitter or Facebook or chat, then the driver can answer when you're done driving.

In addition, we can ask the caller call back when you reach the place is safe or we are called back, he elaborated on INILAH.COM.

Currently, many mobile phones that can store predefined text (a sentence that has been set previously). As a result, you can reject an incoming call and immediately reply to a caller with a predefined text that states, you're driving the streets and could be contacted later.

The man who was familiarly called Abah is thought, might be dodging the police, socialization is not recommended bluetooth handsfree use while driving. "If it is not for when driving, then why bother to socialize the police that?"

The use of hands-free has nothing to do with security, peace and other matters related to police duty.

"Is the slogan 'We are Ready to Serve You' now also applies to serving the gadget market products?" he said.

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