
Advantages and Disadvantages 'home schooling'


Methods of teaching home schooling or home study became popular in the homeland. However, not many who choose that method because it is not common. Want to know the advantages and disadvantages of this teaching method?

Here are some advantages and disadvantages of studying at home, as quoted by Parenting.
1. A more flexible timeMethods home schooling provide respite time for the kids. They can determine their own learning time.
2. SocializationMethods home schooling your child not only to socialize with friends sepermainan with the same age, but also with people who are much older than they (the faculty).
3. Learning any timeWhen your child is sick, or less feeling well, he still can learn at home.
4. The curriculum is more focusedChildren can simply select the curriculum that he is interested only, and not have to learn everything that is too general.
5. Free from the threat of FriendsOften children feel pressure from their peers which makes it the trauma and fear. Home school your child free from it.
1. Less teaching disciplineToo flexible can be a boomerang for your child. The lack of a clear time when running education can make the discipline of children is reduced.
2. The lack of competitionHome schooling a child reduces the chance to compete fairly with their peers in any field. Though the competition will generate enthusiasm for the more advanced.
3. No standardization of curriculumBecause of home schooling, including teaching methods are still rare, so there is no clear curriculum standards in Indonesia.
4. SocializationChildren also need to socialize with their peers. You can not protect it all the time pressures of other children. But it also could make it become more daring, and learn to deal with any problems.
5. FinanceSchools in the home usually requires a much greater cost than public schools. Before deciding to choose this method, you must first ensure your financial condition.

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